Monday, June 10, 2019

School year finale!

Big kids finished school on May 24. The youngest finished June 5. Now we have a senior, sophomore, 8th grader, 3rd grader, and 1st grader coming up!

I will be entering a new phase of life—all children in school for a significant part of the day. I could get a part-time job. I can finish all my home projects. I could take time to do whatever—maybe clean the whole house 😜. I have lots to contemplate....

We squeezed in a quick trip to the Oakland Temple Open House and then Yosemite. Going the day after Memorial Day was the way to go— no lines, small crowds.

#2’s final junior year choir concert 

#6 with Liao laoshi 

#6 with Ms. Martin (English teacher for only small part of the day).

#6 enjoying kindergarten water day

#5 and #6 hitching a ride on Dad and #3 after a four-mile hike. 

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